Untitled - Aug 30, 11:18:21

Size Guide

Choosing the right size rug for your space is essential to draw together all the elements, creating a sense of harmony, balance and warmth. At Nodi, our general rule is bigger is better...


With symmetry in mind, and for both Queen and King sized beds, opt for our 2m x 3m size. This can be placed adjacent to the foot of the bed, or for a little more underfoot coverage we recommend the 3m x 4m sized rug. 

2x3m — Bed head legs and bedside tables should sit just off the top of the rug for ample foot tread space on the sides and the end of the bed. This size suits up to a Queen sized bed. 

TIP: Position rug adjacent to the position of your bed.

2.5x3.5m — Bed head legs and bedside tables should sit just off the top of the rug for ample foot tread space on the sides and the end of the bed. This size suits up to a King sized bed. 

3x4m — All bed and bedside table legs should sit within the perimeter of the rug. This size rug suits up to a King sized bed. 

Dining Room

Measure out your dining area, use masking tape to visually see the impact the rug will have on the space. We recommend allowing 0.5m of space either side of the table, for chairs to be pulled out while still remaining on the rug. 

2x3m — This sized rug will fit a 2m long table and its chairs, with enough room to push chairs out on either side. 

TIP: Position rug in the same orientation as your dining table. 

2.5x3.5m — This sized rug will comfortably fit a 2m long table and its chairs, with more than enough room to push chairs out on either side. 

3x4m — We recommend this sized rug for a larger dining table, up to 3m long, for an ample entertaining area.

Living Room

We also recommend laying out newspaper so you can gauge the effect of the rug. We find our 2.5m x 3.5m rug is most favoured for standard living spaces, as this size rug gives flexibility for furniture to sit either on top or half off rug. 

2x3m — Couch and armchair legs should be positioned on top of the edge of the rug to create a soft landing space between furniture. 

TIP: Position rug in the same orientation as your couch to make your living space wide and spacious. 

2.5x3.5m — Couch and armchairs should sit halfway over the edge of the rug to create a cozy nook for relaxing and entertaining. 

3x4m — Couch and armchairs have enough space to be positioned completely on top of the rug. This XL sized rug provides amples space for comfortable living.